Application of PIN Diode Electronic Switch in Filter Switching PIN二极管电子开关在滤波器切换中的应用
Automatic electronic switching center 自动电子数据交换中心
Case Studies of Fault-Tolerant Computers in Electronic Switching Systems 程控电话交换系统中的容错计算机实例分析
The disturbance resistant of LH coil and the circuit structure of analogue electronic switching matrix 、 integrator 、 direct current detector are especially studied. 重点探讨了LH线圈的抗干扰方法及模拟开关阵列、积分器、直流检出器的电路结构。
Silicon carbide is an emerging semiconductor material which has been widely predicted to be superior to both Si and GaAs in the areas of microwave power devices, power electronic switching devices, high temperature device. SiC是近几年迅速发展的一种半导体材料,在微波功率器件、功率电子开关器件、高温工作器件等方面比Si和GaAs具有更大的优势。
Power electronic circuit is switching power converter. Its discrete events mutually affect with continuous time dynamic characteristic, which causes it to present the dynamic characteristic of hybrid system. 电力电子电路作为开关型功率变换器,其离散事件与连续时间动态特性相互作用,使其呈现混杂系统的动态特征。
Photon switching technology is a fundamental solution to the speed unmatch between optical fibre system with high transmission speed and electronic switching system with slow switching speed. 光子交换技术是解决高速的光纤传输系统和低速的电子交换系统之间速度失配的根本措施。
Program Structure of a Small Size SPC Electronic Switching System 一个小型程控交换机的程序结构
The approach is systematic and automatic, which may be widely used in searching new power electronic circuit such as soft switching circuits, power correction circuits, and also can be used in researching the switch capacitor networks. 该方法具有系统化、机器化的特点,可以广泛地用于寻找软开关、功率因数校正等新型电力电子电路,还可以用于开关电容网络的研究。
In recent years owing to the development of microprocessor technology, the small size SPC ( Stored Program Control) electronic switching system has been widely used. 近期,由于微处理机技术的发展,使小型程控交换机得到了广泛的应用。
In this paper, a low noise multiplexer electronic switching for space sweep system is described. 本文介绍了一种用于空间扫描系统的低噪声多路电子开关电路。
DPM aims at minimization of power consumption of electronic systems by dynamically switching the power state of power manageable components according to the variations of workloads. DPM技术降低系统功耗的主要办法是根据工作负载的变化来动态切换目标设备工作模式。
An electronic system for automatic switching signal polarity was designed. 设计了自动转换信号极性的电子线路,使方法具有快速、自动、操作简单等特点。
Harm of Y2K to Programmable Electronic Switching System and Countermeasures for Solving this Problem Y2K问题对程控交换机系统的危害及解决对策
In this paper the inverter techniques for photovoltaic power supply are discussed and it is pointed out that the main factors which affect inverting efficiency are transformer consumption, power electronic switching transistor consumption as well as driving circuit consumption, control circuit consumption at light load operation. 本文主要讨论了太阳能逆变器技术要求,指出影响逆变器效率的主要因素是变压器及功率开关管的损耗,驱动电路与控制电路的功耗是影响逆变器低负荷运行效率的重要原因。
The existing characteristic disadvantage and malfunction of the charging table with was analyzed, when the rheostat starting system and drive control system of dynamic braking electronic switching circuit were applied on the charging table originally. 分析上料台架原来应用频敏变阻起动及带能耗制动电子开关电路的驱动控制系统所存在的特性缺陷及故障问题。
Taking full advantage of high speed optical switching and flexible electronic processing, optical burst switching ( OBS) has been considered as a feasible and competitive core technology to construct NGOI. 光突发交换(OBS)充分结合了光交换高速性和电处理灵活性的特点,成为构成NGOI可行的、具有很强竞争力的核心技术,己获得大量研究。
Optical packet switching becomes a best solution of conquering electronic bottleneck owing to smaller switching granularity, higher switching speed and the support to the upper protocol. 光分组交换以其较小的交换粒度,高速的交换速度,对各种上层协议的支持成为解决光网络电子瓶颈的最理想方案。
Static reactive power generator with a special circuit structure, high frequency power electronic switching device, advanced control algorithm with real-time, the precise reactive compensation ability, and has the filter and inhibit the harmonic function. 静止无功发生器采用特殊的电路结构、高频率电力电子开关器件、先进的控制算法使其具有实时、精确的无功补偿能力,并且具有滤波和抑制谐波的功能。
The technology of power electronic converters is the core of the switching power supply. With the increasing requirements to the performance of the switching power supply from different high-tech field, the design of the power electronic converter control system has become a hot issue. 开关电源的核心技术是电力电子变换器,随着各个尖端科技领域对开关电源性能要求的提高,电力电子变换器控制系统的设计在控制领域内成为一个热点问题。
With the rapid growing use of nonlinear load and power electronic switching devices, the harmonic currents into the power grid is increasing seriously, which is harmful to transfer efficiency of power grid and safe operation of other equipments. 随着非线性负载和各种电力电子开关器件设备的增多,流入电网的谐波电流也日益严重。谐波电流对电网的输送效率和其它电气设备的安全运行造成危害。
The conformation of the molecular switches can be changed by the external electronic field and the switching states can be triggered. We also discuss the influence of different acceptor or donor radicals to the switching properties. 我们计算的分子的构型在外电场中可以改变,由一个开(关)状态变化为另一个关(开)状态,并且,讨论了其添加不同的施主或受主基团时的开关性质。
So the actual work, the power circuit of the electronic devices are based on high frequency switching times for each state. 所以实际工作时,电源电路中的电子器件都是以很高的频率次数进行各自状态切换的。
In essence, the power electronic converter is a typical non-linear switching system. 从本质上看,电力电子开关变换器是一类典型的开关非线性系统。
Optical switching can remove O/ E/ O conversion in electronic switching, improve the switching capacity, and break through the switching bottleneck of transmission network. 光交换可以消除电交换中的光/电/光环节,提高交换能力,突破当前传输网络的交换瓶颈。
In recent years, single-phase power electronic loads with switching power supply or variable frequency device have been immediately increasing with the development of power electronic technology as well as the wider attention of energy saving. 由于社会对节能的广泛关注和电力电子技术的发展,采用开关电源和频率变换装置的节能型单相用电设备迅速增加。
Electronic host is DOS system, uses standard C language to program to realize the electronic software functions: the normal communication with interlocking machine; the data transmission with electronic module; Host standby switching of electronic host. 全电子主机与联锁主机的数据通信、与电子模块的数据传输和全电子主机主备切换等功能均是利用标准C语言编写软件实现。
Power MOS is a novel power electronic switching devices, which is developed on the basis of integrated circuit technology. 功率MOS是在集成电路工艺基础上发展起来的新一代电力电子开关器件。
Now with the development of power electronic device and control technology, switching electroplating power supply is gradually replaced traditional electroplating power supply. 目前随着电力电子器件以及控制技术的发展,采用开关电源方式的电镀电源逐渐替代传统的电镀电源。